The Judson STARS (Students, staff and Teachers Acting Respectful, responsible, and Safe) Program is a behavior reward system designed to increase positive student behavior and thus increase student achievement levels. It was created using the PBIS system.
What is PBIS? It stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. It is a proactive approach establishing behavioral supports and creating the social culture needed so that all students in a school can achieve social, emotional and academic success.
Students earn STARS by being "caught" acting in a Responsible, Respectful or Safe manner. Teachers hand out a STAR and explain to the student which trait he/she has observed. The students then write their name on the STAR and check next to the appropriate trait, and put them in a safe place until the cash-in day or hold on to them to get a higher level reward. The rewards menu below shows the choices available to the students.