Judson School provides a safe haven for all children in a positive learning atmosphere. We support the needs of the whole child: physical, social, emotional, ethical, academic, and artistic. The staff, students, parents, and community members work together so that each student is successful. High expectations are set so that every child reaches his or her full potential and has the motivation to achieve life-long learning.
Together we achieve the extraordinary!
We believe that:
A safe and healthy environment is necessary for success. Our environment reflects our demographics, our teachers’ beliefs and interests, and the needs of our students. Modeling appropriate behaviors promotes good character. Intrinsic motivation leads to good decision-making and a love of learning. Celebrating every student’s unique attributes creates self-worth. Exploring the art, music, and the culture of all ethnic groups embraces differences and creates respect for all. Academic risk-taking is encouraged and supported in a positive environment. Respect and dignity of ideas and thoughts are revered.
We believe that our curriculum:
Encompasses current local, state, and national standards.
Meets the needs of the Watertown population.
Links the school’s beliefs and expectations for students with instruction and assessment.
Reflects an interdisciplinary approach which results in a greater depth of understanding of key concepts and skills.
Provides real-life relevancy.
Develops higher-order thinking.
Sets high expectations.
We believe that:
Differentiated instruction meets the diverse needs of every student. Instruction develops the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for further learning. Instruction fosters a desire and motivation for continued learning. Active learning leads to student engagement. Teacher and student self-evaluation and reflection improve instruction. Varied instructional strategies allow students to apply knowledge and skills in everyday situations. Flexible grouping supports learning and improves instruction. An inquiry based learning process, which emphasizes problem solving, results in higher-order thinking. Interdisciplinary instruction creates a deeper understanding of skills and concepts. The use of technology enhances students’ current and future learning.
We believe that:
Ongoing assessment drives instruction in order to meet the needs of the students. Student self-evaluation leads to continued growth. Using a variety of assessment strategies provides a complete picture of students. Assessment reflects student expectations in the curriculum. Collecting, analyzing, and sharing school-wide data improve the school. Collaborative analysis of student assessment improves student performance.
We believe that:
Professional development is data-driven and reflects the needs of our students and staff. Professional development supports the development and implementation of the curriculum. Sustained and ongoing professional development improves practice. Collaborative analysis of student work and instructional practice requires time and results in improved learning.