Polk School has one main number that accesses the building’s automated phone system. The system will allow you to contact staff members using their room number or their name. If the staff member is unable to accept calls, a voice mail option will be available. Please note that during school hours our secretaries will direct your calls.
Polk Elementary School
Main Number 860-945-4840
Fax Number 860-945-7113
Thomas Hogrefe, Interim Principal - 860-945-4840 Ext. 5125
Kim Keil, Elementary Student Dean- 860-945-5169
Georgianna Karlak, School Nurse Health Office - 860-945-5128
Alyssa DeAngelo, School Psychologist - 860-945-5167
Elayna Stein, Social Worker - 860-945-1409
To contact a teacher:
Find out the teacher's extension in the Staff Directory.
Dial 860-945-4840, followed by the extension.
If the teacher is not available, leave a message on their voice mail and they will return your call as quickly as possible.
435 Buckingham Street
From points east and west: interstate route 84 to Waterbury in Waterbury take route 8 north (Torrington) take exit 37 Watertown at end of ramp turn left onto route 262 proceed to second light and turn left onto Buckingham street at first light, take a right on French street and then take an immediate left into Polk school’s parking lot.
From North: Route 8 south to Watertown take exit 37 take left off ramp and a right onto route 262 continue as noted above.