Worried about things? School feeling stressful?
We are here to help!
All individual or group discussions will be kept confidential unless there is a risk of harm to self or others. When situations arise concerning the above, staff will use their best judgement to protect the welfare of students.
The below is taken from the ASCA National Model. School counselors provide services to students, parents, school staff and the community in the following areas:
Direct services are in-person interactions between school counselors and students and include the following:
School counseling core curriculum: This curriculum consists of structured lessons designed to help students attain the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills appropriate for their developmental level. The school counseling core curriculum is delivered throughout the school’s overall curriculum and is systematically presented by school counselors in collaboration with other professional educators in K-12 classroom and group activities.
Individual student planning: School counselors coordinate ongoing systemic activities designed to assist students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans.
Responsive services: Responsive services are activities designed to meet students’ immediate needs and concerns. Responsive services may include counseling in individual or small-group settings or crisis response.
Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the school counselors’ interactions with others including referrals for additional assistance, consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, other educators and community organizations.
The counseling office provides support so that all students can achieve their maximum potential. We offer services in the following areas...
Career advising is designed to help students begin the process of exploring various career options moving toward the ultimate goal of specific career selection. College counseling assists students in making appropriate educational decisions.
The following activities take place:
Conferences scheduled with all juniors and seniors to develop post-high school plans
Students are encouraged to take interest inventories
Students are encouraged to take appropriate standardized tests
Students and parents should attend college fairs and financial aid programs
Academic counseling is available to all students to help them understand their individual strengths, to set goals, and to assist them in planning an appropriate program of studies. Counselors, teachers and parents will work together to support and encourage all students in reaching their full potential.
School counselors help students to enhance self-understanding and to learn effective problem solving skills so they will be better equipped to deal with the variety of concerns that high school students encounter. Students, staff or parents may initiate individual counseling sessions. When warranted, referrals will be made to the school psychologist, school social worker, or an appropriate community agency.