LAURA MEKA, Principal
ALISON CARMODY Assistant Principal
Hello Amazing JTPS Families!
I am the proud principal of John Trumbull Primary School! I remember my first time walking through the halls of this beautiful building over 20 years ago and thinking I need to work here. At the time I was being given a tour as a parent of an incoming preschooler. I was in awe as I looked around. I was working in another district and the schools did not look anything like JTPS. Then 4 years later my dream came true when I was hired as the Assistant Principal here. I worked as the assistant principal for 10 years and then 6 years ago, I was fortunate to be chosen as the new principal.
I feel blessed to work in this building with the MOST AMAZING staff. Each and every person in this building believes that all children can learn and that it is our job to be supportive, loving and kind while teaching!
I am a very lucky mother as well! I have 3 amazing children. My older 2 graduated from Watertown High School and my youngest is at Swift Middle School.
I look forward to our work together! Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with me.
Laura A. Meka
Hello JTPS families,
I am so thrilled to join the JTPS community as your new assistant principal! I cannot express how much I have enjoyed getting to know your children over the last few months. I feel so grateful to work with a staff who works so hard and always puts the best interest of their students first.
I feel fortunate to have firsthand experience in many of the integral roles within an elementary school. In my 20 years as an educator, I have been a special education and a classroom teacher, as well as an interventionist, a literacy coach and an assistant principal. In these various positions, I have received quite a bit of professional development that will help me to lead initiatives that are important to the Watertown Public School community.
I love my job and the work that I get to do on a daily basis, but my favorite job is being a mom! I have two daughters who are in kindergarten and second grade. They fill me with so much joy and pride, yet I also experience the challenges that these early years can present on a daily basis. However, I wouldn’t change a thing as I know that raising my girls helps me to connect and support my school community on a deeper level.
I look forward to getting to know the JTPS families this upcoming school year!
Alison Carmody