The safety of all children is our top priority. Please read the information in this letter very carefully. This mailing includes your child’s nametag. Your child needs to wear this nametag around his/her neck for the first month of school. It will display your child’s name, teacher’s name and your child’s dismissal procedure. It has your child’s going home bus letter on it. If your child will be attending the YMCA after school program, please write it on the nametag along with the day(s) of the week and also call the JTPS main office BEFORE the first day of school so we can update our student information system.
Please verify the bus information that is listed on the nametag. The 2021-2022 bus routes will be posted on the district website at click on the “Transportation” link for school routes. If you have any busing questions, please contact Michelle Pennella at (860)274-5212. If the information is incorrect, call the school at 860-945-2776. Please do not change the information without calling the school first to be sure that we have the same information for your child to be ready for the first day of school.
Arrival FOR 1st and 2nd GRADERS and KDG SIBLINGS:
Drop off loop: Students may be dropped off between 8:30-8:50AM.
The drop off loop will be used for all first and second grade parents who are transporting their children. Although, if you have a first or second grader and he/she is capable of walking your kindergartener to his/her classroom you may also use the drop off loop. The loop will be open from 8:30AM-8:50AM. If you arrive after 8:50AM you must park and walk your child in through the green doors. Those parents who drop off their children may continue down the driveway and turn into the drive closest to the school. No parent/visitor cars are allowed in the back of the building in the morning. Drop-off parents are asked to proceed to the crossing guard until they are signaled forward. The drop off area is labelled by signs that state “Student Drop Off Area.” Please pull up all the way around the corner, to the stop sign. Children must exit from the passenger side of your vehicle, the side of the car closest to the school. Drivers MUST NOT exit their vehicle to open doors for children. This will be strictly enforced to prevent traffic build up so please share this information with ALL family members who will be dropping off your child/children.
****Kindergarten parents (without older siblings) may park in the parking lot between 8:30-8:50AM and walk their child to the front of the building. You must cross with the crossing guard and maintain social distancing.
Expected times for busses to arrive at school:
8:30AM Busses C, H, A, M/N, D, K will arrive at JTPS
8:45AM Busses B, E, F, G, I, J, L
PRESCHOOL: Arrival for preschool will be 9:00AM for the morning session and 12:35PM for the PM session. Park in the parking lot and cross with the crossing guard. Arrival will be at the following doors:
Mrs. Lanese: Main preschool doors; left entrance.
Mrs. LaChapelle: Proceed down preschool sidewalk; wait at door outside of the classroom.
Mrs. DeLeo: Proceed down the preschool sidewalk; enter through the black playground gate; walk all the way around the building to the door right outside Mrs. DeLeo’s classroom.
Ms. Rossi: Proceed down the preschool sidewalk; enter through the black playground gate; walk to the back doors. You will see 4 doors. Wait at the doors all the way over to the left side.
Kindergarten and preschool parents who transport their children to school will park in the designated area and cross by the crossing guard with their children. You must hold your child’s hand as you walk him/her to the building as the parking lot is a very busy place in the morning. Kindergarten and preschool parents should maintain a space of at least 3 feet from other families for social distancing purposes while walking in and waiting to drop off children.
Please encourage your child to say goodbye to you and practice separating so it is easier for your child. We understand that all children adjust at different times so if your child is experiencing difficulties with separation please notify the teacher, but also remember that teachers cannot greet students upon their arrival because they will need to remain in their classrooms. All students will go right to their classrooms upon arrival.
You must follow all established procedures for parking/dropping off during arrival and dismissal! The safety of all of our students is everyone’s responsibility! The first two lanes of our parking lot are ONE WAY for exiting. The last two lanes are for entering.
Students should not arrive before 8:30AM. Any student arriving after 8:50AM must be walked into the office by his/her parent to obtain a late slip because the main doors are locked at this time. Children cannot be expected to enter the building tardy and unattended after the doors are locked. A child is considered tardy if they arrive after 8:50AM. If arriving after 8:50AM, families will use the green doors on the left. Parents will ring the doorbell and be buzzed into the vestibule to sign their child in to school.
Children who ride the bus enter the school at the back lobby. We cannot allow parents in the back of the building to maintain safety. All support staff members will be on duty to assist the students during the first 2 weeks of school.
DISMISSAL: We used the information that families provided in the JTPS survey to develop our dismissal plan. As parents you are responsible for sharing the names of the adults who are allowed to pick up your child. YOU, AS PARENTS, ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR SHARING INFORMATION REGARDING ANYONE WHO CANNOT PICK UP YOUR CHILD DUE TO CUSTODY ISSUES. Remember that all adults must show a picture ID each day to pick up children. We do attempt to keep the same staff on duty in certain areas so they can get to know our families at pick up.
A change for JTPS from last school year will be that blue and yellow pod families will need to park in the parking lot and enter the building to pick up students. We are unable to deliver all students to their individual cars due to the manpower required to make this happen.
GREEN POD: Dismissal time will be 3:00PM at the back of the building. Green pod families will proceed to the back of the building down the main driveway. Once you arrive at the back loop you will bear to the left to end up at the sidewalk behind the school. You must pull all the way forward. Staff will be there to check IDs and students will be brought outside to your cars. You will then proceed to the back gate exit at the BACK OF THE BUILDING, (Porter Street).
Each green pod family who has chosen to pick up their child will receive a number to be placed in the car window which will allow staff on duty to identify who you are and also who your child is. Families will receive a set of 4 numbers to be placed in any car that may pick up your child, (ie, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa). Your child will receive a laminated matching number that you must attach to his/her backpack to assist us with this dismissal plan. (Many of the staff members on duty might not necessarily know your child, but will get to know both you and your child as the pick up process continues). Also remember that only those adults listed will be allowed to pick up your child. This is a safety concern and will be strictly enforced.
PRESCHOOL: Dismissal will be at the following doors at 11:25AM for the AM session and 3:00PM for the PM session.
Mrs. Lanese: Main preschool doors; left entrance.
Mrs. LaChapelle: Proceed down preschool sidewalk; wait at door outside of the classroom.
Mrs. DeLeo: Proceed down the preschool sidewalk; enter through the black playground gate; walk all the way around the building to the door right outside Mrs. DeLeo’s classroom.
Ms. Rossi: Proceed down the preschool sidewalk; enter through the black playground gate; walk to the back doors at the left.
YELLOW POD: Dismissal will be at 3:05PM IN THE CAFE. Parents should park in the parking lot and walk to the café doors, (proceed straight past crossing guard). The doors will be open for dismissal just before 3:05PM so please do not arrive early.
BLUE POD: Dismissal will be at 3:20PM IN THE GYM. Parents should park in the parking lot and walk to the blue doors on the side of the gym. The doors will be open for dismissal just before 3:20PM so please do not arrive early as we will be busy dismissing another pod.
Early dismissals between 2:45-3:15PM will not be allowed in order to maximize safety of all students who will be in the process of our staggered dismissal.
Parents must maintain a 3 foot space for social distancing while waiting to pick up children.
We are looking forward to the first day of school. Please be patient with the bus times and our arrival and dismissal procedures for the first few days.
Again, just like last school year, our new procedures are big changes for us. We have worked to troubleshoot where potential issues may arise, have made necessary adjustments, and will continue to monitor these procedures and make additional changes if needed.
It would be helpful if you say your goodbyes as the bus approaches so that there will not be a delay in the bus routes. Please remember that you must meet your child at the bus stop every day. If no one is at the bus stop to meet your child, he/she will be returned to school.
I hope that you enjoy the final days of summer and we look forward to working with you and your child. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or the office/administrative staff with any questions that you may have.
Laura A. Meka