Friday, September 9, 2022

Dear Watertown Public Schools Students and Families,

Capital Improvement Investments for the WPS

I am happy to share that earlier this week at a regularly scheduled Town Council meeting, members of the Watertown Town Council approved the BOE’s request for a total of $12,861,000 in Capital Improvement requests. Capital Improvement requests are made by a board of education/school district for large infrastructure and facility projects that directly address school buildings and grounds. For a detailed presentation the requests included please click here.

The Capital Improvement projects that are included in the $12,861,000 request are as follows:

  • Replacement of the WHS Roof

  • Replacement of the JTPS Roof

  • Replacement of the Swift MS Artificial Turf

  • Replacement of the WHS Artificial Turf and Track

  • Repair of select areas of JTPS floors

The next step in the process is to move to a Town Referendum that will take place on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 where Watertown residents will be able to vote in favor or against the amount of $12,861,000.

The Capital Improvement projects outlined above are an extremely important step for the Watertown Public Schools. Large physical/infrastructure investments like these ensure our school buildings continue to be safe, healthy, and beautiful spaces for our students, faculty and families. As more information becomes available I will send it along.

Warm and Welcoming Schools

A little goes a long way. During our opening convocation ceremonies this year, we talked about setting intentions to make the ‘smallest unit of difference’ in what we do and how we make our students feel each day. Moving in and out of buildings, I’ve seen lots of little welcoming moments that added up to a really great week for many.


Remembering 9-11

For the past few years on the morning of 9-11, wherever I find myself at the moment - in my home, out and about or at work … at just about 10:15 AM, I feel a huge rumble under my feet - almost as if an earthquake was taking place. It usually lasts for a couple of minutes and then disappears. It just so happens that for all these mornings, I’ve been in a CT town where large motorcycle groups ‘Ride Together’ on 9-11 to honor the brave men and women who were part of the events of 9-11. The earthquake type rumbling was the sound of hundreds of riders riding their bikes through each town. It’s quite a coincidence and I’m glad they haven’t been earthquakes! Now, I know to find the best spot on a main street somewhere to find the best vantage point.

Many towns around CT will have special commemorative ceremonies just like the one I shared above this Sunday and we will once again remember another year passed from the events of 9-11, another year for many families who were impacted with a loss or the effects of that day. 

Thank you,

Dr. V

Important Date and Happenings

September 9 - Judson Back to School Bash 5:30 – 7:30 | Polk Time 5 - 7PM

September 12 - Regular Board of Education Meeting, 7PM WHS Lecture Hall

September 13 - Swift Middle School Open House, 5:30-7:30PM

September 15 - Judson Open House & Book Fair 5:30 – 7:30PM

September 22 - Early Release Day for Students - PD for Faculty

September 28 - Regular Board of Education Meeting, 7PM WHS Lecture Hall

 Returning Student Registration Reminder

Thank you to all WPS families who have already completed and updated their Powerschool Information. If you have not yet updated your information please visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal login page. From the Parent Portal:

1. Select the student you wish to register along the top

2. Click on the “2022-2023 Returning Student Registration” icon in the left menu  


3. Agree to the terms and conditions

4. Click Begin Forms

Finding Routines and Being Our Best Selves

Now that we are a full week into school, our students and faculty are busy settling into routines, making new friends, and setting goals for this academic year. The WPS believes that a school experience for students includes the whole child: academic experiences, physical and emotional wellbeing. At the start of the year many of our classrooms collaboratively create ‘classroom norms/guidelines’ through the creation of a class charter. A class charter outlines guidelines and expectations that help students identify and articulate what they want to achieve, how they will achieve it and how they want to feel as a member of the classroom community. 

 In addition, as our students dive into rigorous academic opportunities and grow to become more independent from K-12, there is a lot to navigate when you think of the many facets of a school day. Just as we set our norms through a class charter, students are encouraged to Recognize, Understand, Label, Express and Regulate the many emotions they feel throughout the day independently. A way to think about how to do this on the fly is to use the acronym, RULER. Families are also invited to learn how RULER strategies can help at home! If you would like more information on how to build a family charter feel free to click here to learn more.

Quote of the Week

“Joining together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”.