September 29, 2023


Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Families, and Students,

Work on the Watertown High School Athletic Field and Track continues to move forward. We would like to acknowledge the flexibility and patience of our athletes and families.The WHS turf and track project is a major investment for the Watertown Public Schools community. As such, we are closely monitoring the project to ensure it is built with precision and we are left with a high quality and pristine final product. We recognize that our athletes are eagerly awaiting its completion, just as we are. Here are a few important updates:

  • The district Athletic Director, Mr. Catuccio  continues to work diligently to schedule games and practices on available fields in the local area so games and practices move forward according to schedule. We anticipate athletes may begin using the field and track in early-mid October.

  • All construction on the field and track is solely dependent on weather conditions. When it rains, work crews must pause work. All work crews, including our Director of Facilities and Security closely monitor the weather on a daily/hourly basis to seize every opportunity to resume work on the track. We are in constant communication with the company completing the work.

  • The district must receive all stamps of approval for safety and product testing prior to having any students on the field. As soon as safety approvals are received, the field can be utilized.

  • The School Projects Capital Committee has met every third Wednesday of the month since March and continues to meet as the governing oversight committee of all school projects. Parents are always welcome to tune into a meeting via Youtube or attend in person at the Town Hall Chambers. All agendas and minutes are posted on the main Town website and the main district website. CLICK here for the WPS Capital Projects Website.


Dr. Villanueva, Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Luigi Velardi, Director of Facilities and Security

Mr. Gianni Perugini, Watertown High School Principal

Mr. Paul Catuccio, Watertown Athletic Director

Important Dates and Happenings

September 30 - Kathy Scully Garden Memorial at Judson, 10AM

October 2 - Welcoming Schools Committee: Strategic Planning Parent/Community Group, 6:30PM

October 3 - Polk Picture Day

October 4 - JTPS Fun Run Fundraiser!

October 5 - Rescheduled Back to School Bash for Judson, 5:30PM

October 4 - Judson Picture Day

October 9 - Columbus Day, All schools and offices closed

October 10 - Curriculum and Instruction Sub-Committee Meeting, 6PM

October 10 - Regular BOE Meeting, 7PM

October 19 - Early Dismissal Day for Students. PD for Faculty

October 23 - Policy and Labor Sub-Committee Meeting, 6:30PM

October 23 - Regular BOE Meeting, 7PM

October 27 - Wolves and Witches Walk at Judson 

The Great Conversation: Welcoming Schools Committee

Thank you to all parents who RSVPd to be part of “The Great Conversation: Welcoming Schools Committee”as part of our strategic plan in building safe schools that support all students. Parents who signed up for this committee will receive another email this evening to confirm their participation. Any parents who are unable to be part of the committee due to capacity will be put on a waitlist and notified when a seat becomes available in order of who signed up first on the RSVP link.

The first meeting will take place on Monday, October 2, 2023 at 6:30PM in the Watertown High School Lecture Hall. This committee will focus on:

How does the Watertown Public Schools district make people feel like they belong to the….WPS Community....Student Community...Parent Community?

  • Student and family engagement

  • School district climate and culture

  • Multi-dimensional learners and opportunities for student acceptance

A Reminder of Residency Requirements for Students in Grades 3, 6, 9

Click here for a list of requirements: DUE OCTOBER 6, 2023

Join the WHS PTO

WHS MEMBERSHIP LETTER 2023-2024 Final.pdf

Torrington Area Health Department

October 2023 Newsletter

Quote of the Week

“Autumn carries more gold in it’s pockets than any other season”