A reminder that your child will need to join more than one Google classroom. All students must join the specials class for their grade level and may have others to join as well, such as band. Please look down the list of class codes.
Grade Level | Teacher's Name | Section (if applicable) | Google Classroom Code |
3 | Grade 3 Specials | Specials | 3mvywml |
4 | Grade 4 Specials | Specials | ptbqb6e |
5 | Grade 5 Specials | Specials | fcquww4 |
3 | Bainer | All | vsm23x6 |
3 | Cheezic | All | igr26nd |
3 | Fitzgerald | All | s3e6poo |
3 | Loyer | All | bip3pta |
3 | Wernery | All | uzkamlz |
3 | Wilson | All | 2c37a33 |
4 | D'Addona | ELA/Science | jmdqmy2 |
4 | Eckerlin | All | wtd22sd |
4 | Gauthier | ELA/social studies | 56jhrxa |
4 | Geer | Reading | emfzybw |
4 | Geer | Math | enziqiy |
4 | LaPlante | Math/Science | nwlcjd2 |
4 | Quish/McQueenie | All | k2qlpwf |
4 | Tasker | Math/Science | lslouzm |
5 | Angiolini | All | utwunig |
5 | Barlow | Math | jtnrcuw |
5 | Barlow | ELA | xbjhbvp |
5 | Barlow | Science | zdryeo7 |
5 | Geer | Reading | emfzybw |
5 | Geer | Math | enziqiy |
5 | Milo | ELA | 4lornah |
5 | Milo | Math | jtnrcuw |
5 | Milo | Science | Jp7cm6v |
5 | Pflomm | Reading | 7xkxzze |
5 | Pflomm | Math | wujcfu6 |
5 | Pflomm | Science | oo2jk6z |
5 | Sarandrea | ELA | vokpbzm |
5 | Sarandrea | Math | tkohxgk |
5 | Sarandrea | Social Studies | z2ify4c |
5 | Schulte | Math | 6xpgelc |
5 | Schulte | ELA | dnyvwwi |
5 | Schulte | Science | uhey7zr |
All | Danaher | Speech | nvlyyoq |
All | Coon | Reading Intervention | krx4o7h |
All | Walsh | School Psychologist | 7woakyx |
All | Allen | Social Worker | 6qozsza |
4 | Valerio | Band | igdm2cw |
5 | Valerio | Band | vyxwp2a |