The halls at Polk were alive with some real characters this week! It was so fun to see books come to life and our kids celebrate their love of reading! #Polk #ReadAcrossAmerica
Check out these creative characters who made an appearance at Polk this week! #Polk #ReadAcrossAmerica
Nothing beats curling up with a good book! #Polk #ReadAcrossAmerica
More read-a-thon pajama day fun! #Polk #ReadAcrossAmerica
Check out these cuties on our pajama day read-a-thon! #Polk #ReadAcrossAmerica
Tonight’s challenge is our CRAZY HAIR CHALLENGE! The class that gets the most NEW pledges tonight will get a crazy hair day! The winner will be announced at school tomorrow morning and crazy hair day will be on Monday for that class! #Polk #FunRun
Look at us GO!! Currently, we have raised over $5500 to our $10,000 goal!
Still need to join?
SHARE with friends and family.
GIVE if you can.
Remember, sharing IS supporting! Thanks for your support!
Polk Families! Our fun run fundraiser is underway! We raised over $4500 to our $10,000 goal !
Want to help?
GIVE if you can.
Remember, if you’re not in a place to give financially right now, that’s okay! Sharing IS supporting!
We had a great start to our Read Across America celebration! Book tastings were so delish! Who doesn’t love a good book!?! #Polk #WatertownLearns #ReadAcrossAmerica
Our Fun Run event officially kicked off today and we're starting strong with 39% of our students registered! Help us reach our goal of 75% of our students registered by signing up- easy and free!- today at and then search Polk School. #Polk #FunRun
It's almost time! Just 1 week until our Fun Run event officially kicks off! We're aiming to get 75% of our students registered! Donations and shares will help us raise funds to enhance our Polk playground- every little bit helps! #Polk #FunRun #WatertownCares #KidsDeserveIt
It's time, Polk Families! Register online now for the Fun Run by visiting! If we get 75% of families registered, we'll celebrate with a schoolwide pajama day! Help us reach our goal of adding a swingset to the playground! #Polk #FunRun
Many thanks to the Watertown Rotary Club for their generous donation of vests to our School Security Officers! #Polk #Rotary #WatertownCares
Our Fun Run event is getting closer! Registration opens next week! #Polk #FunRun
Don't forget, #Polk Peeps! This Friday is our Red Out Day across Watertown to raise money for a worthy cause, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Join us! #WatertownCares #RedOutDay
Friday afternoon brought our 3rd graders together to talk about all the ways they glow and grow at Polk! Students did an amazing job explaining our PAWS expectations! #Polk #PBIS
Our 4th grade PAWS assembly was a huge hit too! These kids did an amazing job explaining our PBIS expectations! #Polk #PBIS
We ended our week with a PAWS assembly to celebrate all the ways we glow and grow! Check out our amazing 5th graders! #Polk #PBIS
More of our Polk Families meeting for the first time last week! Polk Families brings small groups of students from across grades and classes together with an adult to help form connections. #Polk #WatertownCares #RelationshipsMatter
Last week we kicked off our Polk Families again! Students were so excited to meet their new family members and get to know one another! One more step back to the way things used to be… #Polk #WatertownCares #RelationshipsMatter