Friday, June 9, 2023
Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Students, and Families,
It has been a very busy and joyous couple of weeks. Parent orientations, music concerts, and school celebrations have been a great display of our students’ hard work and preparation over the course of this year. With summer break just around the corner, here are some important end of year reminders:
Last Day of School & Summer Schedules
Based on the additional school closure days at Swift MS (broken water main) and Polk School (broken heater) earlier this year and determined by the number of instructional hours that must be satisfied annually according to Statute to the State Department of Education, please see the last day of school schedules below:
The last day of school for all faculty/staff and students is as follows:
Thursday, June 15, 2023: John Trumbull & PreK, Judson, Watertown High School, Watertown Transition Academy
Friday, June 16, 2023: Swift and Polk
Chromebook Collection
The district technology team will be collecting Chromebooks next week. All parents received an email regarding procedures on how students can return their devices. This is a reminder that any Chromebooks that are not returned will be turned off/locked over the summer and a fee of $50 will be assessed to families… so make sure to get those Chromebooks in!
A Full 2023-2024 Cohort of Post University Applicants
I would like to thank all the parents and students who attended the Post University informational webinar a couple of weeks ago. We had a steady turnout and I am happy to share that we have a strong number of applicants for the first 8th grade/current WHS students cohort. Acceptance letters were sent out on June 1st. Congratulations to all those who were accepted.
Have a wonderful weekend, Watertown!
Dr. V
Important Dates and Happenings
June 12 - Regular Board of Education Meeting, 7PM WHS Lecture Hall/ Special Meeting at 6:30PM
June 12 - Senior Night
June 12 - Grade Three Parent Orientation at Judson, 6PM and Polk, 6PM
June 12 - Judson Step Up Day for 5th Graders
June 13 - Senior Graduation Walk at JTPS
June 14 - Swift Turf Ribbon Cutting, 10AM
June 15 - Swift Graduation 10:30AM & WHS Graduation 6PM
June 15 - Polk Step Up Day for 5th Graders
June 15 - Last Day of School for JTPS, Judson and WHS Students and Faculty
June 16 - Last Day of School for Polk Elementary School & Swift Middle School Students and Faculty
June 19 - Juneteenth Day, School Offices Closed. Central office will be open on adjusted hours.
June 21 - School Capital Projects Committee Meeting, 7PM, Town Council Chambers
July 1 - Post University tuition deposits due
Athletics - Fall Registration
If you are interested in Fall Athletics, don’t forget to register! Click the link below. 2023-2024 Fall Athletics Registration Link
Summer Math & Reading Websites
WHS English Department 2023 Summer Reading Assignment
Events in and Around Town and Over the Summer
Kindergarten Registration & Blue Health Physical Forms
If your child or someone you know turns five years of age on or before January 1, 2024, please register him/her as soon as possible. All entering kindergartners MUST have a completed blue health physical form on file with the JTPS Nursing team before they can begin school.
All registration information is located on the district website, via “Central Registration link” under the For Families tab.
Click here for the Health Physical Form.
If you haven’t already completed the Families Climate Survey, Click your school below!
Transportation Intention Form
If you have not yet returned your transportation intentions for the upcoming 23-24 academic year, click here to download the form and return to your child’s school immediately.
Quote of the Week
“Starting strong is good. Finishing strong is epic”.