Monday, March 13, 2023

Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Students, and Families,

As we all moved our clocks forward this weekend to ‘Spring Forward’, it was lovely to have sunlight after 6pm! We are also closely monitoring the weather forecast for tomorrow. If there is any change of schedule a message will be sent to all families at a later time.

There are a number of important pieces of information in this week’s update. Please click through the links below to read more.

FY 24 Budget Update

On Monday, March 6, 2023 at a special meeting, the Board of Education members of the Watertown Public Schools unanimously approved the Superintendent’s Proposed Budget for the 2023-2024 academic year.

This year’s total BOE recommended budget is $53,957,069. This is an increase of 7.81% or $3,907,629 over the current FY 2022-2023 budget of $50,049,440.

All budget materials can also be found on our district website at www.watertownps.org.

In addition, the FY 24 School Calendar is now approved. Click here for a copy of the approved! 2023-2024 Academic Calendar

Have a great start to the week, Watertown!

Dr. V

Pictures from Around the District


Important Dates and Happenings

March 13 - Robotics Team Fundraiser at Charcoal Chef

March 13 - WHS Principal Search Focus Groups 5:45PM at WHS

March 13 - Regular BOE meeting, 7pm WHS Lecture Hall

March 14 - Budget presentation at the SMS & WHS PTO at 6:30pm, SMS library.

March 15 - NGSS Testing Memo

March 15 - Special BOE meeting, 6PM Board Retreat

March 15 - WHS Class of 2023 Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser. Show this ticket for 10% of all proceeds to go to the class of 2023!

March 16 - 18 - WHS Production of Beauty and the Beast

March 20 - Polk School Fun Run!

March 20 - Robotics Team Fundraiser at Charcoal Chef (same flyer as 3/13)

March 20  - Budget presentation at the Polk & Judson PTO  at 6:30pm, Polk Cafeteria

March 21 - Superintendent will present the BOE Budget to the Town Council at 7 pm 

March 27- Regular BOE meeting, 7pm WHS Lecture Hall

April 27 -   Judson & Polk 5th Grade Chorus & Instrumental Music Concert, WHS Auditorium, 7pm

Quote of the Week 

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader”.