The 5th Grade Polk and Judson Jazz Band did a great job tonight at the Coffee House! 🎶

We enjoyed our trip to WHS to watch Beauty and the Beast yesterday! Excellent job! Make sure to go and see it this weekend!🧡🖤

Principals were put to work this week! Great job!

We were able to sneak in our annual Snow Day before the snow totally melted! Thank you to the staff and parents for being so flexible and spontaneous! You are appreciated!

What a HUGE success our fundraising efforts were for St. Jude! Judson raised $14,651!!! Woah!! THANK YOU to everyone who supported any of our fundraisers. THANK YOU to Mrs. Washburn for leading these efforts. This is incredible! ❤️❤️❤️

We had some great principals this week!

Last night we hosted our Invention Convention! What a great group of young inventors with really great ideas! So impressive! Thank you to all the students, families, and judges!

Celebrating Read Across America! Thank you to our Superintendent, BOE members, WPS administrators, and community members for reading to our classes today! Thank you to our PTO for donating a book to each class! 📚

Celebrating our February KINDNESS Stars! Always remember, be KIND to one another! 💙💙💙

I had some great help this week with the Principals of the Day!❤️

Friday afternoon Academies! Blanket making, friendship bracelets, Zen Den, and some card games just to name a few!

Some great principals this week! Congratulations on cashing in your DoJo's!

Celebrating 100 days of school! 100 never looked so good!

Celebrating the 100th Day in style!!

Congratulations to Nora and Jack! We are proud of your arts accomplishments and being recognized by the Connecticut Association of Schools!

Celebrating our January STAR students who were models of responsible behavior!!
Also, our Kick Off for the St. Jude Math-A-Thon was a success!! Can we best our total from last year?! The month of February is dedicated to St. Jude!❤️

And that’s a wrap! Congratulations to the cast and crew of Disney’s The Lion King Kids!! A HUGE shout out to Mrs. Borbas and Lily Borbas for producing this show! Another HUGE shout out to all the supportive parents for EVERYTHING!! 🦁❤️🦁

New Years Resolutions from our 3rd Graders!

Our inventors had their first Invention Convention meeting this week! I’m already hearing some great ideas! Wow, look how many people are interested!

I joined the Directed Drawing Academy this afternoon! We chatted about our days, our plans for the weekend, and drew such cute watermelons!