Our Apple Crunch Challenge was delicious and fun!
Congratulations to Mrs. Troisi’s class for being the first class to earn a Silver Spoon at Judson!
October is Farm to School month. We kicked it off on Monday with samples of fresh green beans from March Farm!
Tie Dye was a success! Thank you to all the parents who came to volunteer. A special thank you to Mrs. Washburn, Mrs. DeFasio, and Mrs. Hoxillhari for heading this up!
Grade 5 had a blast playing Bingo today! Special GOLDEN DOJOs for those students who did both reading and math summer work! Shout out to Mrs. Stepka and Mrs. Cheezic for planning and organizing the summer Bingo project as well as planning a FUN Bingo day today!!
Grade 4 loved playing Bingo today because they did their summer work! Special GOLDEN DOJOs were given out to those who did both reading and math!!
Congratulations to our Grade 3 friends who played Bingo today because they did their summer work! A special shout out to those who received a GOLDEN DOJO for doing both reading and math!!
It was so great to see all the families tonight at our Open House! Thank you to the PTO for the Book Fair, T-Shirt Sale, and Ice Cream Social!
A pair of Golden DoJo’s for being such great friends!!
Sweet Tenley made me a beautiful JUDSON bracelet! Thank you, Tenley!!
4th Grade rocked their new bulletin boards…game style!
Mrs. Hosking’s class is working on their class charter!
Judson got new bulletin boards this year! Look how beautiful in Grade 3! They brighten up the hallways so nicely!
Mrs. Payne and Ms. Gruettner decided to partner up and teach together today…how cool!!
Even the Raymond kids (plus niece and nephew!)had a blast!!
Teachers joining in on the fun!!
Having a blast at our Back to School Bash!! So much fun! Thank you, PTO!!
Even more Game Day fun!
More Game Day fun!
Game Day was a ton of fun today!!