On behalf of the entire faculty, I would like to welcome our students and families to Swift Middle School for the 2024-2025 school year. We believe, as you do, that your child's education is of the utmost importance. This is why we strive to create a safe, healthy, and positive environment where all students can flourish. We believe learning is a lifelong collaborative effort involving all members of our community. We will do our best to help support our students, educationally, emotionally and socially, as they move through their middle school years.
We believe in a strong bond between school and home and as such we foster activities and supports to that end. Open communication is one of our goals and we encourage parents and guardians to take advantage of the many ways available to get information about our school and your child's progress. The PowerSchool Portal allows access to students' grades and assignments and our school and teacher websites offer information about current and upcoming assignments and classroom expectations. We use Thrillshare to call families, promote and support our Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) and offer many activities for family and friends to attend Open House, concerts, sporting events, etc. Our office staff and support staff are available to assist you, to direct your calls or your visits and we can be reached between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM at 860-945-4830.
We have wonderful staff members at Swift who are always available to help your children make their experiences at Swift successful. Please encourage your child to take full advantage of all the opportunities Swift has to offer. The staff and I look forward to working with you to make these school years the most rewarding ever.
Let’s make this the best year ever by working together for the benefit of our students!
Marylu T. Lerz
Dear Students, Parents and Families,
Our Swift Eagle is a great school mascot as it represents courage, strength and individuality. These are all characteristics we encourage our students to develop and which are reiterated in daily lessons and through interaction within our Swift community. Middle school can be challenging as students are indeed 'tweeners' and seeking to define themselves as individuals. However, it is this very situation that also makes middle school such an exciting time. Students are developing and refining their personal goals and characteristics, as well as looking to the future. In pursuit of this, our students are fortunate to be supported by school counselors, school psychologists and a school nurse here at Swift. These members of the Support Staff are available every day to help students in many ways including arranging individual meetings, mediating issues, problem-solving, etc. Our school counselors also teach in our Unified Arts rotation and create and implement lessons specifically designed to meet the needs of this unique age group. Parents and guardians can call the support staff at any time as well, and are encouraged to contact members of this group with any concerns.
Mary Jean Mangione,
Assistant Principal