Soaring Eagles Mission and Vision Statements
· Our Mission: Soaring Eagles aims to be a positive school-wide positive behavior support that promotes the Swift Code of Conduct and a respectful environment for learning. By promoting these behaviors students, staff, and parents can contribute to building a sense of community and fostering positive relationships that in turn positively increase academic achievement and school climate.
· Our Vision: This initiative helps to recognize students, build relationships among students and staff, and build an overall sense of school community by providing opportunities for students to practice and build respectful behaviors and social/emotional functioning.
Criteria for Nomination
· Swift Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct highlights the following areas as a goal for student’s social, emotional, and behavioral growth at Swift Middle School. These areas include, Be Ready, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Honest, Believe in Yourself.
· Nominations: At the beginning of each month, all Swift staff members are provided with information on the area of the Swift Code of Conduct that they will be observing in students. Students are also made aware of this area through weekly morning announcements and the PowerSchool Portal. At the end of the month, teachers nominate their chosen student.
· Nominated students will be recognized during morning announcements by grade level and called down to receive their certificate of recognition. A picture will be taken of the students and it will be posted to the Swift Website, including the banner of pictures on the front page and under the Swift Soaring Eagles tab under the “About” section.
January 2025 Soaring Eagles - BE PROUD!
The following students were nominated by their teachers for being polite and helpful to peers and teachers, being patient with others, smiling and being welcoming to others, being positive, and doing random acts of kindness!

December 2024 Soaring Eagles - BE KIND!
The following students were nominated by their teachers for being polite and helpful to peers and teachers, being patient with others, smiling and being welcoming to others, being positive, and doing random acts of kindness!

6th Grade Soaring Eagles - December 2024

7th Grade Soaring Eagles - December 2024

8th Grade Soaring Eagles - December 2024
November 2024 Soaring Eagles - BE RESPECTFUL!
The following students were nominated by their teachers for speaking kindly to others, following classroom expectations, listening to adults, and treating others the way they would like to be treated.

October 2024 Soaring Eagles - BE RESPONSIBLE!
The following students were nominated by their teachers for completing their homework, studying for tests and quizzes, taking care of their belongings, and using their chromebooks appropriately! Congratulations

September 2024 Soaring Eagles - BE READY!
The following students were nominated by their teachers for consistently being prepared for class with their materials, being on time for classes, taking out their materials at the start of class, and completing work needed for the class period! Congratulations