2024-2025 SCHOOL CLUBS

All clubs start after school and end at 3:30 unless noted by the advisor. The late bus is available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 3:30.

Please read the information below carefully.

An important phase of student life at the middle school is the student’s social development. Throughout the year, school parties, picnics, dances, special assemblies, and class trips are scheduled. These functions are a privilege and the school discipline code applies.

Honor Society, 2024-25, members are selected primarily on high academic achievement. To be considered for membership a student must make first honors for three consecutive trimesters in seventh and/or eighth grade. Beyond scholarship, inductees must also meet and maintain the standards of character, leadership, citizenship, and service that are stressed by the National Junior Honor Society. To continue membership in the Honor Society a student must achieve First Honors every subsequent trimester, be in good standing (behavior), and meet the criteria designed by the National Junior Honor Society. The Honor Society will be meeting the last Thursday of every month in the library (unless otherwise noted) until 3:25 pm.  Alyssa Buzzelli and Katherine Cunningham are the Honor Society advisors.


Name of club: Art Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Stephanie Goetz

When this club meets: 1st and 2nd (Full Day) Thursdays with some exceptions. Meets in room 133

Criteria for being in this club: 8th Grade student PLEASE EMAIL OR STOP BY MRS. GOETZ'S ROOM TO SIGN UP. lauro-goetzst@watertownps.org

Name of club: Bucket Band (TBD)

Advisor(s): TBD

When the club meets:  TBD

Criteria and Information: All band and string members are invited to join this club, and must come to rehearsal with a 5 gallon bucket and pair of drumsticks labelled with their name.

Name of club: Chess Club

Advisor(s): Mr. Bardhollari

When the club meets:  Twice monthly - Every other Tuesday, starting February 4th in room 131

Criteria and Information: All students who enjoy playing chess are welcome to attend!

Name of club: Cooking Club

Advisor(s): Mrs. Kociszewski

When the club meets:  Dates to be determined! Club will meet in room 153

Criteria and Information: Limited spots available! See Mrs. Kociszewski for more information!

Name of clubGarden Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mrs. Goetz & Mrs. Kociszewski

When this club meets:  First Monday of the month. Meets in room 153.

Name of club: Gaming Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mr. Palladino

When the club meets: Weekly on Thursday. Meets in Cafe.

Name of club; Homework Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Ms. Hall

When the club meets: Meets Tuesday and Thursday in the library.

Name of club: Jazz Band, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Miss Lauria

When the club meets: Meets every Monday through Spring Concert, with short break after basketball tournament.

Criteria and information for this club: All wind and brass players are invited to join this club, and we also accept piano and guitar!.  Percussionists are eligible to join jazz band by audition.

Name of club: Leo Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s):  Mrs. Sklanka & Ms. Demirs

When this club meets: Third Tuesday of the Month. Meets in the Cafe.

Criteria for being in this club: 6-8th grade students who want to give back to the community. Leo Club works in conjunction with the Watertown Lions Club "...to provide the youth of the world (with) an opportunity for development and contribution, individually and collectively, as responsible members of the local, national and international community." Our Leo Club encourages members to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. They volunteer, hold fundraisers and complete community service projects. LEO stands for Leadership, Experience, Opportunity. 

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Bracelets for Breast Cancer, Flower Sale, 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Bingo with Senior Citizens

Name of club: Newspaper Club 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mrs. Lewis

When the club meets: Second and Fourth Monday of the Month. Meets in the library.

Criteria for being in this club: Open to All Interested Students

Name of club: Peace Pals (TBD)

Advisor(s): TBD

When this club meets

Criteria for being in this club: 

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Kindness Month and character-ed programs. Past presentations have been: Kindness Pass it on, Kindness never takes a vacation, What kind of swift do you want and a public service announcement produced with the Ind. Study film students at WHS.

Name of club: Peer Leaders/WOAH, 2024-25

Advisor(s):  Mrs. Sklanka, Ms. Computzzi

When this club meets:  First Tuesday of each month, 2:35PM-3:30PM. Meets in room 207

Criteria for being in this club: The Peer Leadership Program was designed to encourage positive role models for peers that help create a safe, respectful, and welcoming school environment. Peer Leaders develop student leadership skills through training, as well as, sponsoring or participating in school and community service activities.

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Holiday Heroes- Movie fundraiser for Swift Students, Toy drives to benefit children’s hospital, Relay for Life, Smiles Walkathon. Peer Helpers conference and training day. Monthly training activities on communication: Verbal and non-verbal, problem solving, conflict resolution, mediation etc.

Name of club: Peer Helpers

Advisor(s): TBD

When this club meets: 

Criteria for being in this club: 

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Held a sixth graded Pajama Drive for pediatric patients at St. Mary’s Hospital, made fleece blankets for The Neonatal Care Unit of St. Mary’s Hospital, made spring plates and candies for The Senior Center, Made spring plantings for Apple Rehab patients, provided peer tutoring to other sixth grade students.

Name of club: Select Choir 2024-25

Advisor(s): TBD

When this club meets:

Name of clubString Ensemble 2024-25

Advisor(s):  Miss. Lauria

When this club meets: Meets every Tuesday through Spring Concert, with short break after Winter Concert.

Criteria and information for this club All string players are invited to join this club!  *Please note that there is no late bus available on Wednesdays.  You must be able to provide your own transportation from this club.


Name of clubSwift Robotics/Lego Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s):  Mrs. Beres

When this club meets: Schedule will vary based on the competition schedule. Meets in room 141.

Name of clubSwift Sign Language Club

Advisor(s): TBD

When this club meets

Criteria for being in this club: 

Our goal is to provide a fun environment in which students can express and share their interest in American Sign Language (ASL) and Deaf culture and to create a welcoming atmosphere for the development of signing skills as well as to promote and enrich cultural awareness of the Deaf community. All levels welcome from beginners to expert!

Name of club: Student Council, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mrs. Cunningham

When this club meets:  Meets the first Monday of the month. Meets in the Cafe.

Criteria for being in this club: 6-8th grade students who possess strong leadership skills. This is a yearlong commitment that requires exceptional organizational and time management skills. Student Council is an excellent opportunity for students to develop teamwork, work habits, responsibility, and citizenship. 

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Spirit Days, Parties for Children, 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament

Name of club: Swift Allies Club 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mrs. Jarjura & Ms. Reig

When this club meets: The third Tuesday of the month. Meets in guidance, then the Mindful Room.

Criteria and information for the club: An inclusive club for LGBTQ+ rights, awareness, and support. This is a safe place for everyone.

Name of clubUnified Sports 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mr. Peronace

When this club meets:  Tuesdays 2:45-3:30. We meet in the Gym or on the Field.

Name of club: World Language Club 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mrs. Rader & Mrs Wright

When this club meets: Meets in room 208

Criteria for being in this club: 

Examples of events/activities that this club has done in the past: Have had a salsa party, visited RI for a French Canadian experience in the "Quebec City of New England," celebrated Spanish Navidad and French Noel. In the New Year, we plan to play language games and celebrate more cultural holidays. There could be a treasure hunt of Swift and a visit to locations around Watertown.

Name of Club: Yearbook Club, 2024-25

Advisor(s): Mr. Pernace

When the club meets: TBD

Link for the club: https://sites.google.com/watertownps.org/swiftyearbook/home