The Watertown Board of Education would like to honor the Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) for their outstanding service to the school community. In order to support our students, they have created strong working relationships between our parents and our teachers. Their volunteer efforts in planning activities, events, fundraisers, and much more are greatly appreciated. We sincerely thank you for your hard work and your dedication to our schools.
John Trumbull Primary School
- Allison Demarest, President
- Carolyn Boynton, Vice President
- Becky Zadlo, President
- Cara Edwards, Vice President
Polk Elementary School
- Lauren Kellnhauser, President
- Jen Grabel, Co-President
- Matt Grabel Co-President
Swift Middle School
- Julie Hayes, President
- Jessica Huchko, Vice President
Watertown High School
- Robin Guerrera, President
- Mindi Davidson, Vice President