Watertown Board of Education

Krista Palomba
Chairwoman - 2021-2025

Karen Hosking
Vice Chairwoman - 2021-2025

Christine Faressa
Secretary - 2021-2025

Jason Malagutti

Elizabeth Lawton

Cindy Phelan

John Gavallas

James Gambardella

Karim Belica
Watertown Board of Education Mission Statement
The mission of the Watertown School District, with determination to be a world-class educational leader and a centerpiece of a dynamic and growing community, is to meet the needs of each student – academic, artistic, athletic, emotional, ethical, social, and technological – to develop members of our community who:
Embrace life-long learning;
Are caring and responsible citizens;
This will be accomplished by:
Establishing high expectations for all students;
Partnering with parents and a community as a whole;
Providing the differentiated instruction, guidance and resources necessary to achieve these high expectations set forth for our students, staff, and community.
Watertown Board of Education Members
9 members, Elected 4 Yr. Term, Meets 2nd and 4th Monday each month (except December, July, August) WHS Lecture Hall, 324 French Street, Watertown- 7:00 PM
Krista Palomba, Chairwoman | 480 Echo Lake Road, W | 203-528-5415 | 11/2025 | |
Karen Hosking, Vice Chairwoman | 106 Porter Street. W | 203-217-9241 | 11/2025 | |
Christine Faressa, Secretary | 24 Kimberly Lane, W | 203-510-9931 | 11/2025 | |
John Gavallas | 116 Pondview Drive, W | 203-704-0040 | 11/2027 | |
Jason Malagutti | 187 Wheeler Farm Road, W | 203-808-2084 | 11/2027 | |
Elizabeth Lawton | 81 Walnut Street, W | 203- 808-7728 | 11/2025 | |
Cindy Phelan | 420 Thomaston Road, W | 203-509-5606 | 11/2027 | |
Karim Belica | 59 Pepperidge Tree Road W | 203-217-0585 | 11/2027 | |
James Gambardella | 34 Hamilton Avenue, W | 203-706-6027 | 11/2025 |