Registration & Residency
Please register online using the link to the right.
Parents should upload a copy of their child's birth certificate (long form) & the applicable residency documents.
Once contacted, parents will also need their child's most recent physical and immunizations forms approved by the school nurse.
Registration is not completed until all items in the following folder are completed.
Registration and Residency Folder
2025-2026 New Student Registration Portal
Watertown Public Schools-Kindergarten Waiver Form/Request for Assessment:
This waiver is ONLY for children turning 5 in September, October, November and December. (Do not fill out if your child will be 5 on or before September 1st.)
Do not use the following links for Kindergarten Registration
24-25 New Student Registration Portal
24-25 Returning Student Registration Portal
Children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2023 will need to have reached their fifth birthday on or before January 1, 2024, per the State of Connecticut.
The Connecticut General Assembly passed a new law pertaining to children entering kindergarten for fall 2024. A child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024 in order to enroll for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
Parents should UPLOAD a copy of the child’s birth certificate (large version), evidence that the child and family are legal residents of Oakville/Watertown (please see link on the left for appropriate documents), and the child's current physical and immunizations performed by a licensed physician (pdf format). Your child’s registration is not complete without these 3 documents.
State law and the Board of Education policy state that a child is to be educated in the town in which he or she resides. It is illegal to misrepresent your place of residence for the purpose of gaining educational services. To ensure that those registering in our schools are legal residents of the Watertown Public Schools, parents in the towns of Oakville and Watertown are asked to provide documentation that proves residency. Proof of Residency is listed in the link to the left, and also below for your convenience.
Proof of residency is listed below and must show the family’s name at the Oakville or Watertown address. Please provide a copy of your driver’s license with the current address and one of the following:
* A current mortgage statement
*A current lease or rental agreement that is dated and signed with the Landlord’s contact information
*A warranty deed for the property
If the above documents cannot be provided, a copy of your driver’s license with the current address and the following documents must be provided showing the family’s name at the Oakville or Watertown address:
* Two current utility bills (cable television, water, electric, gas, oil – cell phone bills are NOT permitted) - or
* Car registration and personal property tax bill for the car from the Town of Watertown
*Two notarized signed affidavits of residency
Important Note:
Registration is NOT complete until you prove residency and provide an up to date physical from a licensed physician. Your child will not be assigned to t a class until we receive this paperwork.
If you have any issues answering any questions in InfoSnap or have questions about residency information, please call the school your child will be attending to get assistance:
Watertown High School: 860-945-4810
Swift Middle School: 860-945-4830
Judson Elementary School: 860-945-4850
Polk Elementary School: 860-945-4840
John Trumbull Primary School: 860-945-2776