Thursday, August 26, 2021
Dear Watertown Public Schools Families and Faculty,
It has been a wonderful first day back to school. Seeing our Pre-K, K-9 and WTA students return today has been an absolute pleasure. Our morning arrival routines were smooth and organized and it was wonderful to see families on a couple of bus routes this morning.
This note includes three important pieces of information:
1. Tomorrow, Friday August 27, 2021 will be an Early Dismissal Day for all Watertown Public School students and faculty due to the current heat and humidity indexes. School offices and the Board of Education offices will remain open all day tomorrow. This means, students will be dismissed according to the Early Dismissal schedule.
2. Academic support for students in quarantine will be made available to any students who need to quarantine. Please see the attached letter for more information. This support plan will be revisited frequently if data indicates adjustments need to be made.
3. The Watertown Board of Education invites the WPS community to submit questions to our local area health district for the upcoming Board meeting on Monday, August 30 at 7:30PM. Click here to submit your question.
Thank you for supporting the Watertown Public Schools as we gear up for a strong 2021-2022.
Dr. V