Friday, July 1, 2022

Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty and Families,

Summer School is Off and Running

This week's start of summer school has been smooth and successful thanks to the preparation and planning spearheaded by the WPS Summer School, Watertown Parks and Recreation, and Extended School Year (ESY) teams. A big shout out to all of the faculty and staff who are working this summer and our team of leaders and organizers below:

  • Ms. L. Fekete, Ms. H. Collier, Ms. N. Lewis, Ms. Kristin Bates, Ms. Lisa Carew (Parks and Rec.),Ms. Carrie Godfrey (Parks and Rec.) Ms. C. Edwards, Ms. Rizvani, and Ms. Mannetti

Do you know a student who will be three (3) years old by December 31, 2022?

EdAdvance’s Head Start Program at John Trumbull for 3-5 year olds is recruiting income-eligible Watertown families with children between 3 and 4 years of age. Head Start Three to Five is a free federally funded school readiness program. The program, run by EdAdvance, provides a quality preschool experience that focuses on Kindergarten Readiness, health and nutrition, social services, and parent involvement. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Foster families and families receiving SNAP, SSI, and TANF are eligible for Head Start programs. To be eligible, children must turn three years old by December 31, 2022. For more information about Head Start Three to Five, visit www.edadvance.org/head-start or call Izabela McColligan, at 860-626-9527.

I wish all of Watertown a wonderful and joyous long weekend!

 Happy Fourth,

Dr. V

Updates and Important Links

On Tuesday, June 21, 2022, the town of Watertown’s Referendum #2 passed! Thank you to all members of the Watertown community for taking part! 

1. If you are interested in vaccinations for children 6months-5 years old, click here to read a message from Torrington Area Health District (TAHD) regarding Covid Vaccine for Children 6Mo - 5 years.

 2. The Connecticut State Department of Education Encourages Students to Join the 2022 Commissioner's Summer Math Challenge 

3. CHECK THIS OUT! Families can search high quality, community-based, and financially accessible summer enrichment programs by visiting: https://summerct.org/. 

 4. 2022 CT Child Tax Rebate: Click here to apply for the new CT Child Tax Rebate from June 1 to July 31. Receive a cash benefit up to $250/child for up to 3 children ages 18 and under. Are you a Connecticut resident with one or more children ages 18 or under? Did you claim your children when you filed your federal tax return for 2021? If you answered both questions with “YES,” you might be eligible for the Connecticut Child Tax Rebate

5. Advancing Women and Girls in STEAM Portal: Click here to enter a “one-stop shop” for parents, educators, students, employers, and researchers connecting many educational STEAM programs and activities. You can access the portal here: https://portal.ct.gov/steam?la...

Upcoming Dates

Sept 1 - First day for K-9 Students; Early Dismissal 

Sept 2 - First Day for Grs. 10-12; Early Dismissal for all PreK-12

Sept 5 - Labor Day, No School