Thursday, December 21, 2023
Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Families and Students,
I wish you all a wonderful winter break to spend with family and friends. May you have time to rest, relax and get ready for a great start to the new year. See you all in 2024!
Happy Holidays,
Dr. V
Important Dates and Happenings
December 20 - Swift Middle School Caroling around the community
December 21 - Early Release Day for students, PD for faculty
December 21 - Athletics Meeting: Prospective Baseball Players, 5:30PM WHS Library
December 22- January 1 - Winter Break for all students and faculty. Central Office open on adjusted hours.
A Message from Athletics
There will be a baseball meeting for players and parents on Thursday December 21st at 5:30pm in the WHS library.
Meet the new coach and find out about winter hitting and workout opportunities.
Please plan to attend if interested in playing baseball this spring.
As the month of Advent comes to an end, Christian families will soon celebrate Christmas on December 25. Christmas is a celebration of hope, joy, and love to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We wish all of our Christian families a very Merry Christmas this season!
Did you know that Kwanzaa is celebrated from Dec. 26 to Jan. 1 each year?
A celebration rooted in culture and African/American unification is often highlighted with a feast called Karamu. Based on African harvest festivals, we wish all of our families celebrating Kwanzaa a wonderful break!