1February 11, 2025

Dear Watertown Public Schools Families and Faculty,      

Preschool open house was jam packed last week. If you know of a child in your neighborhood who is Kindergarten age, tell them that registration opens at the end of the month!



Update on Kindergarten Entrance for the 2025-26 Academic Year

Based on the new Connecticut General Statute, beginning July 1, 2025, children must turn five years old on or before September 1, 2025 in order to enroll in Kindergarten or request a waiver.

  • Families are encouraged to register during the week of February 24-28, 2025.  Registration will remain open through the start of the 2025-26 school year.

  • Any parent of a child who has not yet turned five years old by September 1, 2025 but turns five (5) by January 1, 2026 must complete the Watertown Public Schools Kindergarten Waiver that is due by June 1, 2025.  This waiver can be found on our district website:  www.watertownps.org or by clicking the link here: Request for Assessment: Early Entry to Kindergarten Waiver

    All students who are not five years old by September 1, 2025, and whose parents have filled out the waiver will be screened in June, 2025. The screeners will provide information to Watertown personnel and act as a communication tool for families on the developmental growth of their Kindergartner. 

    Families that move into Oakville/Watertown after the June 1, 2025 deadline must call the school for information, (860) 945-2776.

Watertown/Oakville residents who have a child ready to enter the public-school kindergarten program are asked to register ONLINE during the week of February 24th.

Parents should UPLOAD a copy of the child’s birth certificate (large version) AND evidence that the child and family are legal residents of Oakville/Watertown.  Your child’s registration is not complete without these 2 documents.  If you have a 4 year-old and are requesting the waiver, your child’s registration is not complete until the results of the screener are obtained.

State law and the Board of Education policy state that a child is to be educated in the town in which he or she resides. It is illegal to misrepresent your place of residence for the purpose of gaining educational services. To ensure that those registering in our schools are legal residents of the Watertown Public Schools, parents in the towns of Oakville and Watertown are asked to provide documentation that proves residency.  Proof of Residency is listed below and must show the family’s name at the Watertown or Oakville address:

***Mortgage, Rental agreement (signed by landlord with contact information), Warranty deed. ONE OF THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE IS REQUIRED.

***If the above documents (mortgage, rental agreement, warranty deed) cannot be provided, the following must be provided showing the family’s name and Watertown or Oakville address:

Current utility bill AND a valid driver’s license, car registration, AND a copy of personal property tax for your vehicle from the Town of Watertown or Oakville, AND notarized signed affidavits of residency. The affidavits will be available at the school.  If affidavits are needed or if you have trouble uploading documents, parents should come to the JTPS green doors between the hours of 9:30-11:30AM and 1-2:15PM.

An invitation to orientation is extended to families who register or complete the Watertown Public Schools Kindergarten Waiver on Monday, March 10, 2025 at 6PM at John Trumbull Primary School.

Please call (860) 945-2776 for more information or questions.


Dr. V

Important Dates to Remember

February 17 & 18 - President’s Day Recess, Schools and Offices Closed

February 24 - Regularly Scheduled BOE Meeting, 7PM, WHS Lecture Hall

February 26 - School Capital Projects Committee Special Meeting, 7PM

February 28 - Family Bingo Night at WHS

March 3- Polk and Judson go to St. Jude’s Telethon to Perform from 10:15-11:15 AM at Torrington Middle School

March 5 & 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences, Early Release Day for Students

March 8 - Shamrock Shuffle, 9AM Mini Run, 10AM Start of Race

March 14-16 & 20-22 - WHS Theater Presents Phantom of the Opera, 7PM

FY 26 Budget

If you’re interested in learning about the Watertown Public Schools Budget for the 2025-2026 school year, click here for the budget website!