2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration Portal
There will be an orientation for incoming Kindergarten families on Monday March 10, 2025 at 6:00pm at John Trumbull Primary School. This special evening is for parents only.
Watertown Public Schools-Kindergarten Waiver Form/Request for Assessment:
This waiver is ONLY for children turning 5 in September, October, November and December. (Do not fill out if your child will be 5 on or before September 1st.)
Completing this form will serve as your official written request to Watertown Public Schools and will begin the waiver process. Once you have completed the form below, your child will be invited to attend JTPS on a day in June to complete the screener/assessment. Your child will be grouped with other students and meet with varying educators from the John Trumbull school to complete a series of tasks. Approximately, one week after your child's screener, the JTPS team will notify you via mail and phone as to whether or not your child meets the requirements to enter Kindergarten earlier than the State required age of 5 yrs by September 1. The Kindergarten screen/waiver is designed to determine a child's developmental readiness and if Kindergarten is the appropriate placement for the 2025-2026 school year. Please complete the form to the best of your knowledge. ALL WAIVERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 1, 11:59PM. Late waiver submissions will not be accepted.