Friday, October 7, 2022
Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Students, and Families,
This week flew by! With the ‘Apple Crunch’ challenge at Judson today and legacy tulips being planted at Polk it just reminds us how wonderful it is when the weather is pleasant and we can head outside to learn! Please click here for a full story on the Apple Crunch Challenge and how the Watertown cafeteria team is bringing Local Produce to our Trays!
This message includes information regarding Mental Wellness Days for students.
Mental Wellness Days
Public Act 21-46, An Act Concerning Social Equity and the Health Safety and Education of Children, Section 19 (a) and (b), defines and allows students to have two (2) Mental Wellness (MW) Days in a school year.
In order to utilize a Mental Wellness Day, students are limited to:
Two (2) MW days per school year;
MW days cannot be taken on consecutive school days, (e.g., Friday and Monday, Wednesday and Thursday);
Parent and/or guardian permission is required in order for a student to utilize a Mental Wellness day. Parents may call the absence line and state the reason for absence as a Mental Wellness day up to two times a year.
Supporting Students and Families in the Use of MW Days
When students/families feel it necessary to be excused from school to tend to their mental health, students and families are encouraged to tap into our school resources and supports by reaching out to a counselor and starting a conversation on how we can best support you as a school system.
Proactive, preventative awareness about our individual wellbeing is the first step to self-care. We strongly encourage students and families to talk with one another when MW days are utilized because open communication is not only important but helps identify those around us who are here to help. Attending and engaging in school and being aware of our individual mental wellbeing is all part of being successful, academically, socially, and physically! Do not hesitate to reach out to your school counselor or administrator if you would like to connect with some regarding Mental Wellness days.
I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. We will see you on Tuesday!
Dr. V
Important Date and Happenings
October 10 - Columbus Day - No School for Staff and Students
October 11 - BOE Sub Committee Meetings at 6PM & Regularly scheduled BOE meeting at 7PM
October 11 - Polk PTO Meeting
October 13 - Swift National Honor Society Induction
October 17 - Judson PTO Meeting
October 19 - Swift PTSO Meeting, 7PM
October 20 - Watertown Foundation 97th Annual Dinner in Honor of Late Principal Scully
October 21 - Trunk of Treat, Polk
October 28 - Halloween Party, Judson
Yom Kippur
On Wednesday, this past week, our Jewish families observed Yom Kippur, a holy day. 10 days after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur directly follows. At the end of Yom Kippur, families follow traditions of blowing the ‘Shofar’. Yom Kippur is founded in messages of positivity and hope that tolerance will guide us all. To our Jewish families and faculty, G'mar hatima tova!
Quote of the Week
As they say, “An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away”.